Eco Loans from Ancoria Bank

20 Oct, 2022

Since the beginning of our operation, we have always been focused on consumers’ needs and we keep up with the trends of the global market. In addition, as a challenger bank, we have already digitised several of our services and products, proving our environmental conscience and direction.

With the Eco Loans, we set sustainable development as a primary goal by helping our customers (individuals), who think economically and ecologically and are interested in a loan, either to upgrade their house’s energy efficiency or to purchase an electric or hybrid car, according to their needs.

Specifically, the Eco Home Improvement Loan gives the opportunity to our customers to upgrade their home energy-wise by installing a photovoltaic system, replacing doors and windows, insulating walls or doing any other work that will result in saving energy.

Regarding the purchase of a car, with the Eco Electric Car Loan and Eco Hybrid Car Loan the reduction of carbon dioxide in daily commuting becomes a reality. Now, our customers who wish to have an electric or hybrid car can take the step towards a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

At the same time, transparency has an important place in our philosophy. This is why we ensure that our existing and potential customers have easy access to information, general terms and conditions, commissions and charges. At the same time, we make sure to warn those interested in getting a loan that, if they fail to meet their loan repayment plan, they may lose their home or other property, there are charges for early loan repayment and in case of variable interest rates, the instalment amount and total cost of the facility may increase or decrease depending on variations in the base rate.

Following society’s demands for a shift towards a more sustainable economy, we created and are offering the Eco Loans. Therefore, we give our customers the opportunity to embrace a new, environmentally friendly way of life.

Our new Eco Loans are hosted in a special feature by Economy Today. Specifically the Eco Loans for Home Improvement, for Electric Car and for Hybrid Car are presented in detail in this article, as well as our strategy concerning sustainable economy. Read the article here.

For more information click here.